Lyrics : Michaël Kolomïets & A. S. Garcia
Music : Michaël Kolomïets
I had been walking all day when I came to your door
And I knocked and then you let me in.
You taught me to love the night, never asked who I was,
Where I went, nor where I had come from...
You gave me the key to your door - opened it for me...
From the boy I was - changed me to the man I am today.
You showed me the way to the sea,
Erased all pain - what should I say ?
I asked her "what color is the wind ?" and my dear blew
At my face, and her whiff took my old
Skin away from my bones - made me a brand new man.
So I am, yes I am, I sure am...
She gave me the key to her door - opened it for me...
From the boy I was - changed me to the man I am today.
She showed me the way to the sea,
Erased all pain - what should I say ?
Every night I need you, hold me tight by your side,
Please be there, every night, please be there...
And our love will live on, forever stay strong,
So stay here, yes my dear, very near...
All rights reserved
copyright © 1996
by Alexandre Garcia & Michaël Kolomïets
Music and lyrics protected by the S. N. A. C.