Movies are magic, fascinating, wonderful, thrilling... in short : I'm an addict ! So much so that I've studied two years in a film school and am nowhere near giving up !
It's at this film school (ESRA) that I first met my long-time friend François Acharrok. And it's together that we've created in 1994 the non-profit organization ARTEFACT, dedicated to the art of writing. We also launched, under the banner of Artefact, the magazine Scen'ART in 95, which became Génération Scénario in 96. Dedicated to screenwriting and screenwriters, we stopped this publication after 4 issues... but it will live again, on the Web, as an e-zine. For those of you who can read French, keep an eye on the official site of Artefact Editions. I am also thinking of doing an English version - but as I already have much to do as it is, there is no guarantee this will happen.
I don't go to the movies as much as I'd like to, but I hope to fix that sometime in the near future ! Anyway, my favorite directors are Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton and Ridley Scott. Favorite movies : Star Wars, Grand Canyon, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (to François' great concern ! ;-), The Usual Suspects, 1941, Dead Again... and I must have forgotten some ! Favorite actors : Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan... hey ! and those two are married together ! how convenient !!! :-)) I also like a lot Sean Connery, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Robin Williams, Harrison Ford and... uh... ah, yes ! Kurt Russell :-)