(last updated : 2/6/1999)
Note : professional mediums (meaning those who pay for your work ;-) are shown in red font.
Since 1989, I have published 18 short stories in various French SF fanzines :
- 1986 : Le miroir [The mirror] won the first Prize in a short story contest organized by French writer Michel Grimaud - oddly enough, this one has never been published.
- dec. 89 : La nef du rêve de la fin des temps [The ship of the dream of the end of times] in Rushes #1 (very small circulation) - reprinted in Chimères #11 (oct. 90).
- nov. 90 : Chiens de nuit, chienne de vie ! [Dogs of the night, dog of a life !] in Les Ami(e)s de Stephen King, volume #2.
- march 92 : Blanche nuit [White night] in Chimères #16.
- oct. 92 : Pris au piège [Trapped] in Chimères #18.
- end of 92 : Digestif [Aperitif] in Gloubiboulgraph #3 (very small circulation).
- end of 92 : Sous les griffes de Dame Nuit [Under the claws of Lady Night] in Gloubiboulgraph #3 (very small circulation) - reprinted in Horrifique #2 (march 93).
- march 94 : Prise de conscience [Sudden realization] in Solstare #6.
- april 94 : Confession in QLVDCVG #8.
- june 94 : L'énigme du pendu assassiné (une enquête de Sherlock Holmes) [The case of the murdered hanged man (a Sherlock Holmes story)] in La Lettre de Baker Street HS 1994.
- july 94 : Leçon de coloriage [Coloring lessons] in Solstare #7.
- august 94 : Sombres cortèges [Somber processions] in Micronos #15.
- august 94 : Vestiges du passé (proche ?) [Relics of the (close ?) past] in Anti-Planète #2 (progress report of the 1994 French National Science-Fiction Convention).
- nov. 94 : Il n'est pas facile d'être un dieu [It is not easy to be a god] in Atmosphères #7.
- dec. 94 : Ainsi soit-il... [So be it...] in Octa #53 (written with Cathy Duchêne).
- january 95 : Depuis la fin des temps [Since the end of time] in Miniature #21.
- july 95 : Aquatique blues [Aquatic blues] in Miniature #23.
- january 97 : L'enfant et la Marelle [The child and the Pattern] in Chimères #34.
Also published (date unknown) :
To be published :
- L'île aux Sans Visages [Isle of the Faceless]
- La Pourpre Fleur [The Flower Purple]
Finished :
- The wound within, the grief without : an English story I am currently trying to sell on the American market.
Currently in the works :
- Which way to Avalon ?
- Ways of the Hwani
- and 5 stories in French, still without titles...
In the works :
- Pax Imperialis (space opera)
- Le chant des âmes damnées [The chant of damned souls] (heroic-fantasy)
Projects :
- 2 fantasy novels in English
- several SF novels in French
Towards the end of 1995, I published a reference book dedicated to TV producer Aaron Spelling.
Title : Aaron Spelling - un producteur en or
Publisher : DLM Editions
In France, this book can be found in most FNAC and Sorbonne stores. It can also be ordered directly from the publisher.
Projects :
- A book about Hill Street Blues
- A book about Mission : Impossible
- A book about VR-5
- A study of Roger Zelazny's work
Already produced :
- 90 : Chrysalide [Chrysalis] - short film for the ESRA French movie school - written in collaboration.
- 91 : Take 5 - short film for the ESRA French movie school - written in collaboration.
In the works :
- Coup de cafard [hard-to-translate pun] - script finished (short film)
Projects :
- several feature film ideas - both in French and English
In the works :
- A Star Trek : Deep Space 9 spec script.
- An Earth : Final Conflict spec script.
Projects :
- A TV show format based in the Maitreya universe.
Other projects :
- More spec scripts for American TV shows
- A number of original formats
Hundreds of ideas, from space opera to heroic fantasy to contemporary fantasy. Mostly for the American comics market.
- Feb. 95 : Qui s'y frotte s'y Picte [hard-to-translate pun] in Rôle and Rêve #2 - a scenario for Call of Cthulhu.
Some of the following interviews are available on the Web. Click on the links to read those.
- Norman Spinrad - published in Chimères #18, oct. 92.
- Roland C. Wagner - published in Chimères #22, oct. 93.
- Pierre Christin - published in Génération Scénario #1, august 95.
- Christopher Monger - published in Génération Scénario #1, august 95.
- Jean-David Morvan - NEVER PUBLISHED
- Luc Brunschwig - NEVER PUBLISHED
- Alphonse Boudard - NEVER PUBLISHED
- John E. Stith - published in Slash #0, january 97
- Laurent Genefort - published in Slash #0, january 97
- Mike Resnick - published in Bifrost #5, may 97
- C. J. Cherryh - published in Slash #2, may 97
- Bryce Zabel - published in Slash #8, dec. 97
- Steven Brust - published in Slash #9, january 98
Over a hundred published. I don't really see any need in mentioning them all, so instead I'll just give a list of all magazines & issues in which I have published articles (sorted in alphabetical order). I am including book reviews, but not interviews which are listed separately.
A clickable name means the publication has a website on the Internet.
- Chimères : #19 (1/93) #20 (4/93) #21 (6/93) #24 (4/94) #27 (1/95)
- Dragon & Microchips : #9 (6/95) #10 (1/96)
- Dragon's News : #6 (1/95)
- L'Ecran Fantastique : #136 (5/94)
- Fréjus - le Magazine : #8 (7/93)
- Génération Scénario : #1 (12/95) #2 (4/97)
- Planète à Vendre ! : #19R (7/94) #20R (11/94)
- Scen'ART : #1 (1/95) #2 (4/95)
- Slash : #0 (1/97) #1 (4/97) #2 (5/97) #3 (6/97) #4 (7/97) #5 (9/97) #6 (10/97) #7 (11/97) #8 (12/97) #9 (1/98) #10 (2/98) #11 (3/98) #12 (4/98) #13 (5/98) #14 (7/98) #15 (8/98) #16 (9/98) #17 (10/98)
- Tempus Fugit : #1 (4/97)
I have also written an article for Cineweb - a French movie website. The article (in French, obviously) can be found right here... and no, that's not a picture of me !
I also write book reviews for my own site, the Icarus Encyclopedia.
I started writing lyrics back in 1984 (if my memory serves me well). Mostly in English. In 1993, I started writing songs with a friend who's a great guitar player (Jean-Michel Orsini). We wrote over 30 songs together. When I moved to another city, we couldn't pursue this collaboration. I then met Michaël Kolomïets, a genius (really) who not only plays the guitar but is just as good with just about any other kind of musical instrument. We wrote over 40 songs together in barely two years. Four of these are available online (only the lyrics, obviously ;-) Please note that these songs are copyrighted and protected by the S. N. A. C.
I wrote quite a few poems when I was younger, but I must admit that I don't any longer. Not that I dislike it, but it just doesn't inspire me as much as other forms of writing. Of all my poems, only four have been published to this date :
- oct. 93 : Vogue navire vogue [Sail ship sail] in Chimères #22
- january 95 : Pour ceux qui bientôt... [For those who soon...] in Portique #17
- january 95 : Au regard des autres [Under the gaze of others] in Portique #17
- june 96 : Le fleuve coule et les années s'écoulent... [The river flows and the years slip by] in Chimères #32
- may 95 : big feature Les inédits de la Hammer [The unreleased projects of Hammer] in Fantastyka #8.
- june 95 : A Monsieur Johan, avec amour [To Mr. Johan, with love] in Dragon & Microchips #9 - more a work of "rewriting" then a translation per se.
- oct. 95 : The World of H. P. Lovecraft in Le Bulletin de l'Université Miskatonic #3 - translated the contents of a whole issue of this fanzine.
- mai 97 : Racines et quelques vignes in Bifrost n°5 - official translation of Mike Resnick's article "Roots and a few vines".
In addition to the above, I have also translated all the interviews that I've made in English (Spinrad, Monger, Stith, Resnick, Zabel, Brust...).
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